Morgan Kubicek, BA

‪(608) 571-4941

Morgan Kubicek (they/them), BA, is a mental health provider who has been working with individuals in Dane county since 2020. They have a diverse background including tertiary interpersonal violence prevention, assistance with research studies on implicit bias, education/services on and for LGBTQ+ communities and individuals and substance use disorder treatment. Their most recent experience was at a local Community Support Program for individuals living in the community with severe mental health symptoms, learning alongside clients with how to manage symptoms of psychosis, medications, and various unique needs and circumstances to live as independently as possible. They bring a perspective of radical compassion for individuals, families, and communities seeking services. In a time of great uncertainty for many, Morgan seeks to assist clients with seeking out strengths and learning how to utilize support or services for areas of growth. They are currently seeking to complete their MSW.

“Another day, another chance.”

CCS Services Offered

Individual Skill Development and Enhancement

Individual Skill Development and Enhancement (ISDE) with Hope Inspired, for up to 12 hours per month, could include teaching, modeling, training and practice in communication, interpersonal skills, problem solving, decision-making, self-regulation, conflict resolution, and other specific needs identified in your service plan. Services may also include training in daily living skills related to personal care, household tasks, financial management, transportation, shopping, parenting, accessing and connecting to community resources and services (including health care services), and other specific daily living needs identified in your service plan.

Services provided to minors also focus on improving integration into and interaction with the minor’s family, school, community, and other social networks. Services include assisting the minor’s family in gaining skills to assist the minor with individual skill development and enhancement.

Individual Family and Psychoeducation - Managing Mental Health Concerns

Individual and Family Psychoeducation services with Hope Inspired, for up to 12 hours per month,

Services may also include training in daily living skills related to personal care, household tasks, financial management, parenting, accessing and connecting to community resources and services (including health care services), and other specific daily living needs identified in your service plan. 


(844) 467-3467


P.O Box 4. Hollandale, WI 53544
